Veterinary Specialty Hospital - San Diego


What To Do if Your Dog Was Bitten by Another Dog
Dog bite wounds are a common veterinary emergency.

Hives in Dogs: What To Do If Your Dog Experiences an Allergic Reaction
An allergic reaction can occur in response to many things in our daily environment.

Why is My Dog Shaking? 6 Reasons for Trembling or Shivering
When your dog shakes or trembles, you may become concerned about their health or mental wellbeing (especially if they are shivering in 80-degree weather!).

Non-Toxic Flowers for Cats
With Mother’s Day around the corner and spring in full swing, you may gift a bouquet of flowers for mom, a loved one, or of course, yourself!

Feline Lymphoma
Lymphoma is a cancer of a specific white blood cell called the lymphocyte.

What To Do If Your Dog Has A Hot Spot: Causes & Treatments
The term ‘hot spot’ is often used when people outside the veterinary profession talk about dog skin problems. However, most of the skin issues clients think are ‘hot spots’, really aren’t.

Getting Through My Dog’s Heartworm Treatment
My poor Callie has had a rough start at domestic life.

Pet Emergencies: What Can and Can’t Wait
Dogs & Cats
Cats and dogs can have a variety of symptoms that may or may not need immediate evaluation and treatment by a veterinarian.

Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV) … or “bloat”
The German Shepherd Dog, originating in Germany in the 1880s, was bred to be a multipurpose working dog.

Worms in Kittens: Symptoms & Treatment
Intestinal parasites (worms) are common in kittens. While they are a cause for concern, effective, safe treatments are available to keep your kitten and family safe.

Dog Wound Care Guide
Health Tips
Dogs are good at finding trouble, and their mischief may result in an injury.

What To Do If Your Dog Strains Iliopsoas Muscle
Iliopsoas (pronounced: ilio-so-as) or hip flexor strains are common injuries both in professional (human) athletes and in dogs.

Enlarged Spleen in Dogs - Definition, Tumors, & Surgery
Canine and feline spleens may distend and contract to help increase circulating blood volume and this can be influenced by anesthetic medications.

Cushing's Disease in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment
Cushing’s Disease in dogs, otherwise known as hyperadrenocorticism (HAC), is a condition of increased circulating cortisol in the body.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy In Dogs: Signs, Diagnosis, & Treatment
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a disease wherein the heart muscle (myocardium) becomes much thinner than normal.

My Dog Ate Chocolate: What Do I Do?
Toxic Substances
Chocolate toxicity is a very common case we see in dogs. In fact, chocolate ingestion is the most common call the Pet Poison Helpline receives.

At Home Recipe for Skunk Spray Odor Removal
Your pet just got skunked! Don’t panic … and don’t let them run loose in the house either (if you can help it), they’ll rub up against every bit of furniture you own (personal experience).

Treatment and Diagnosis of Marijuana Toxicity in Pets
Toxic Substances
The Pet Poison Helpline line has experienced a 448% increase in marijuana toxicity cases over the past 6 years.

What to Expect When Your Pet Needs an MRI
If your pet needs to have an MRI, your primary care veterinarian will likely refer you to a local veterinary neurologist or radiologist for evaluation and subsequent imaging if indicated.

When to Get a CT Scan and Rhinoscopy for Your Pet: Nasal Signs & Symptoms
For Pet Owners
When your pet presents with nasal-related symptoms, your Internal Medicine Specialist may recommend a CT scan and rhinoscopy to try to determine the cause for your pet’s signs.

Why is My Cat Sneezing? When to Worry
Cats, like people and other animals, sneeze to clear irritating substances from their nasal passages.

Why Is My Dog Drinking So Much Water?
There are many factors that determine how much water a dog drinks in a given day but if you notice that your dog is drinking bowl after bowl there may be a cause that warrants investigation.

PU/PD: Diagnosing and Treating Excessive Drinking and Urinating in Your Pet
For Pet Owners
Increased drinking and urinating can be the first sign of a significant health issue. Noticing an increase in either drinking, urinating, or both is a good reason to consult with your veterinarian.

Degenerative Myelopathy in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment
Canine Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) is a progressive disease of the spinal cord and ultimately the brain stem and cranial nerves which, at its end stages, results in complete paralysis and death.

Anaphylaxis in Dogs & Gallbladder Halo Sign
Over the past decade, ultrasound has been slowly integrated into the veterinary industry. As a result, ultrasonography has allowed veterinarians to detect other soft tissue changes and free fluid that would otherwise be missed.

Corneal Calcific Degeneration: Calcium Deposits in Your Dog’s Eyes
Corneal calcific degeneration (CCD) is a common condition in geriatric (older) pets. CCD is an area of abnormal corneal metabolism, in which calcium can accumulate in the surface of the cornea (the clear dome of the eye).

Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) in Dogs
Osteochondrosis of the shoulder joint is a common cause of lameness in dogs. Fortunately the outcome with surgical treatment is generally excellent when arthroscopy is performed early in life.

Liver Lobectomy for Liver Masses
Dogs & Cats
Liver lobectomy refers to removal of a liver lobe. In dogs and cats, the liver is made up of six separate lobes.

Urinary Blockages in Cats
Urinary blockages are caused by the accumulation of minerals in the urinary tract, which can cause a formation of an obstruction by crystals or stones.

Essential Oil Poisoning In Dogs: Signs & Symptoms
With essential oils becoming more popular in health, natural cleaning products, and relaxation it is good to know how this affects your furry house mates.

CT Scan for Pets: What You Need to Know
Dogs & Cats
Computed Tomography (CT), commonly referred to as a Cat Scan or CT, uses x-rays and a computer to generate cross-sectional images of a region of interest.

How to Apply Ice Packs for Dogs
What are the benefits of cold therapy (ice packs) and how should it be applied?

7 E-Collar Tips for Dogs After Surgery
Dogs & Cats
If you’re a pet owner, chances are, you’ve heard of the “Cone of Shame” made famous by a certain amusing Golden Retriever in the movie Up.

How to Care For Your Pet While Waiting for A Vet Appointment
Dogs & Cats
Due to an increase in veterinary visits, scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian can take a few more days than it used to.

Vet Triage: Why Your Pet May Not Be Seen Right Away
When you arrive with your pet as an emergency or urgent care case, you may find yourself waiting a while before your pet is seen.

Is This An Emergency?
Health Tips
Determining if your pet has an emergency can be challenging.